Here are some of the most asked questions about the Highland Hundred. If you have a question that is not answered here, send us an email to and we will answer as soon as possible.
There are three ways to join the Highland Hundred: online via our web site, downloading a membership form from our web site and sending in the mail, or by completing the membership form in person at a Highland Hundred event. Dues can be paid via cash, check, MasterCard, Visa, Discover, or American Express. Do not take your Highland Hundred application to the Athletic Office or Football Office. They are not responsible for Highland Hundred applications.
We strongly prefer that you join or renew online from our web site. This helps us serve you better in a couple of ways. First, it assures that we have your name, address, and especially your email address spelled correctly and recorded correctly. Our main communication method is by email and this ensures that your email is entered correctly in our database. When we manually enter paper membership forms into our database, there is a high probability that we ca't read it clearly or we mis-type it and you ca't get important information from us. Also, when you join online it is by credit card only. This helps us process your membership quickly, and if for some reason we need to credit your account or give you a refund, we can do this easily for credit card payments. Refunds for cash and checks are time consuming and difficult for the University to handle.
No. As members we are given the opportunity to purchase parking in prime locations on Tiger Lane and in the Blue Lots. Parking fees are separate from membership.
Highland Hundred memberships last for one year. You must join or renew each year. We try to have our online registration available early in the calendar year, or as soon as we know the cost for optional Highland Hundred parking. You can register online beginning on that date. Paper applications are usually taken beginning with Highland Hundred events starting in the Spring. Although applications are taken early in the year, we do not have new membership cards until late summer. Therefore, if you are a returning member, please keep your card until we are able to replace it when new ones become available. You can still take advantage of discounts at certain businesses until you get a new card.
All parking passes are printed by the University of Memphis Athletic Office and inserted in the Football Season ticket booklet.
In order to purchase a Tiger Lane space one MUST be a football season ticket holder. It a Tiger Lane space is purchased through a corporate or company sponsorship, a Highland Hundred member will have to pick up the parking passes at the U of M Athletic Office during normal business hours.
In addition to supporting Tiger football, Highland Hundred members are offered a few perks as well. We have member meetings throughout the year with our head coach or other dignitaries as featured speakers. Members are invited to football practice on special occasions that are not offered to the general public. We are given opportunities to meet and interact with the players and staff during winter and summer "Feed the Players" events. Highland Hundred members receive discounts at certain businesses in town, and we have access to some of the best parking areas available at Liberty Bowl Stadium.
Member Discounts — Several of our Corporate members give special discounts to other Highland Hundred members. Be sure to check out our Corporate Support page to see all of our Corporate members.
We have six membership levels that cater to all Tiger fans, from students to families to corporations. As Highland Hundred members, we are 100% committed to the Tiger football program and lead the charge in the support of our student athletes. Here are our various membership options:
NOTE: Tiger Lane, RV, and Blue Lot passes are subject to availability.
As soon as each new calendar year comes, we work to create a new member database for that year. When it is up and running we open membership to accept new applications. We post information on our web site telling members that online registration is available. We try to open registration when we find out the cost of parking for the year. At this time, we also post a link for that year's Tiger Lane Move Request and Tiger Lane Waiting List. The Tiger Lane Move Request is for current occupants who want to try to "move up" if there is an opportunity. The Tiger Lane Waiting List is for HH members who do not have a Tiger Lane space and want to get on the list for consideration if vacant spaces become available. Both of these lists are available online only. Credit card is the only method of payment for the waiting list. Membership must be renewed before applying to move or get on the waiting list.
If in person or by U.S. mail, we date stamp your application before manually entering the information in to the database. The day we enter is your official "join date" for this year. If you join or renew online, your join date is automatically stamped when you enter your application. The join date is not a big deal but if we need a tie breaker for any reason, we have something to use. For example, if two members request a Tiger Lane space from the waiting list and have the same length of membership and level, we may use the join date to determine which member is offered the space.
Your membership is processed by BOTH the Highland Hundred AND the University. We handle your registration information and everything needed for your highland Hundred membership. The University processes all money transactions and payments. We print two hard copies of your membership application (both paper and online registrations). One is inserted into our master file for backup. The other is collected by our treasurer, who records payment information for our records. Our treasurer makes regular visits to the University and delivers all membership applications we have processed. From here, the University is in charge of processing payments. This includes depositing all cash and check payments, as well as processing credit card payments. This is why sometimes it takes longer for the transaction to show on your bank and credit card statements.
After we enter your membership information into our database, you will receive an automatic confirmation email from us. This lets YOU know that we have processed the Highland Hundred portion of your membership and it lets US know that your email address was entered correctly. This does't mean that your check or credit card is cleared; it means that our treasurer has your application in hand and will soon deliver it to the University where they will process payment.
Important Notice – If you have a personal email account (such as gmail, yahoo, hotmail, aol, etc.) please use it rather than your email account from an employer. On several occasions we have lost contact with a member because the email tied to their Highland Hundred account was from their employer email and they were no longer with the same employer. You can easily add your company email as a secondary email, but please use a personal email as your primary if possible. Also, if you have an AOL email, please make sure we are listed as a preferred sender so our emails do't get rejected or lost. Our main email accounts are,, and
The Highland Hundred has 18 RV spaces, 304 Tiger Lane spaces, and 300 spaces in the Blue Lots. Our Tiger Lane and RV spaces are specifically assigned and can be renewed each year. All Tiger Lane spaces are equipped with electrical hookups and have room for your vehicle as well as a 10' x 10' grass area for canopies. Blue Lot spaces are not reserved and members must purchase passes for each space they occupy. Our RV spaces are located in the Blue Lot adjacent to Tiger Lane and are equipped with RV electrical hookups. Members must have at least a Family membership to purchase an RV space.
Tiger Lane — The Highland Hundred has spaces in one of the best tailgating venues in the country, Tiger Lane. Click here for a Tiger Lane Map. The Highland Hundred has Sections B, C, and E. Our members who currently hold Tiger Lane spaces have the option of renewing them each year. Once we know the cost, we publish a deadline date for renewal. If the spaces are not renewed by this deadline, the original owner loses the space and we give other current Tiger Lane occupants the opportunity to "move up." Then, if there are any vacant Tiger Lane spaces remaining, we fill those spaces with members on our waiting list, which we publicize on the web site and through emails to the membership.
Blue Lots — Highland Hundred has our own designated parking lot. Each parking space is numbered and assigned to a Highland Hundred member who wishes to purchase up to four parking passes. Members may purchase up to four Blue Lot passes and must purchase season Football tickets. We do not have an unlimited number of Blue Lot passes. Each space occupied must be accompanied by a hanging parking pass decal. If you want passes for a vehicle plus room for tailgating, you must purchase a pass for each space occupied. These parking areas are close to all of the action on Tiger Lane and is only a short walk to the stadium entrance. Click here for a Map
After the renewal deadline passes for Tiger Lane spaces, we give other tiger lane occupants the opportunity to "move up." When registration opens for membership each year, and after we establish the renewal cut off date, we will post a Move Request Formon the front page of our web site. You can complete and submit this form to request a move. There are no guarantees that a space closer than yours will become vacant, and it is less likely that 2 spaces together will become available. Be sure to renew your current Tiger Lane space when renewing membership. If you are able to acquire a new location, we will simply change your assignment. Completing the form online is the only method to request a move. We do not accept requests in person, via email, etc.
After the renewal deadline passes for Tiger Lane spaces, and after current Tiger Lane occupants take advantage of moving their location, it is possible there may be vacant spaces available. These spaces will most likely be in section C next to Parkway. You must be a Single, Family, Coach's Circle, or Corporate member. Students and Recent Graduates with a free membership are not eligible for Tiger Lane spaces. When registration opens for membership, we will post a Waiting List Form on the front page of our web site. You can complete and submit this form to be placed on the waiting list. After all occupied Tiger Lane spaces are assigned, we will fill the remaining vacancies from our waiting list. Completing the form online is the only method to get on the waiting list. We do not accept requests in person, via email, etc. Membership level, continuous membership, and order of submission play a part in determining spaces. There are no guarantees that you will acquire a Tiger Lane space. When you submit the form, you will be required to enter a valid credit card number. We will not process payment unless you are successful in obtaining a Tiger Lane space and you accept. You must also be a registered Highland Hundred member before submitting the Waiting List Form.
Keep Your Card. Make sure you have your current membership card at all times. In addition to special discounts from some of our Corporate members, you may also be required to present your card at Highland Hundred events, whether it be special Highland Hundred-only practices, meetings, banquets, etc.
No, you do not have to be a TSF donor to join the Highland Hundred.
During the season, Highland Hundred meetings are typically on Thursday evenings before each home game. The head coach is the featured speaker for these meetings. An optional dinner is available during social hour with the meeting afterward. Dinner is typically served beginning at 5:30 p.m. and is catered by the University. The dinner is strictly optional. It typically consists of meat, vegetables, and dessert served buffet style. The coach speaks at about 6:00. Meetings are located in the Anfernee "Penny" Hardaway Hall of Fame building located at 570 Normal Street on the southeast area of the main campus. Meeting dates and times are posted on our home page and the Highland Hundred president sends an email reminder as well.
All Tiger Lane space permits and Blue Lot parking passess will be mailed with your Football season tickets.
No refunds, exchanges or cancellations are permitted unless we are unable to fill your order. Refunds will not be granted due to a game date or time change.
The Highland Hundred Booster Club is committed to respecting the privacy of its Web site visitors. To better protect your privacy we provide this notice explaining that should you choose to provide us with any personal information it will only be used by The Highland Hundred Booster Club or University of Memphis to conduct official Booster Club or University business. We will never disseminate personal information to any unaffiliated third party.
Memberships, Parking Passes, Donations, Special Event Registration Fees
U.S. Dollar
Board of Directors HH Presidents Our Mission Since 1958, the charge of the Highland Hundred has remained constant: to raise the profile of the University of Memphis football program among the campus community, alumni base, and the general public and to pro..
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