McClendon Scholarship

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    James F. McClendon Highland Hundred Scholarship

    In 1979, the Highland Hundred and friends of James McClendon chose to remember his life with the establishment of a permanent endowment fund within the University of Memphis Foundation known as the James F. McClendon Highland Hundred Scholarship Fund. The Highland Hundred is honored to continue to award this scholarship as a means to help deserving students continue their educational goals through the University and promote our organization within the University community. These scholarship funds are distributed yearly by the Highland Hundred Board of Directors to applying students who meet the criteria listed in the scholarship agreement and the application form.

    Any individual, corporation, foundation, etc., may make contributions to this fund at any time. Such contributions shall be subject to the provisions of this instrument and coordinated by the sitting Highland Hundred Board of Directors and the University Foundation.

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    To Apply For The Scholarship

    If you would like to apply for the James F. McClendon Highland Hundred Scholarship, CLICK HERE to get started. This link takes you to the University of Memphis Scholarship page. Click the PRIVATE SCHOLARSHIP link to proceed to the Tiger Scholarship Manager and follow the directions to apply for this scholarship.


Would You Like To Contribute To The Scholarship?

If you would like to contribute to the James F. McClendon Highland Hundred Scholarship fund, you can complete an online form or print a form to mail.

Click here for the online form to contribute via credit card.

Click here to download the form and send check or credit card information.

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